This Sunday will be the beginning of the Advent season for believers around the world.  It is the time when we think about the coming of Christ to earth and what it means for us today.  It is no exaggeration to say that Jesus Christ is the most identifiable person in all of history.  There are many persons whose names are known but none surpass the name of Jesus.  He was born in obscurity, lived a short and simple life, had no assets, no home, wrote no books, and left behind a small following to continue His mission.  Yet today his followers number in the hundreds of millions where they gather on every continent.  His commands are obeyed and honored with faithful obedience.

The darkness of history before His coming is illuminated, His life is a revelation of the invisible God, the present is filled with meaning and the future full of hope for those who confess Him as Lord and worship Him as the Christ.  Take the opportunity this Sunday to begin your observance of Advent.  Prepare you heart for Christmas with prayer, Bible reading, and worship.  Join the millions of believers globally who welcome the day called Christmas and worship the King who comes to save us from our sins and to give us His eternal life.