Lost. That word chills anyone who has ever endured it.  Being lost and the helpless feelings, the fears and disorientation  make it one of the worst experiences possible.  Last summer while on vacation we were in a store to get some things we needed when I noticed a little boy running up and down several isles.  At first I thought he was just a boy enjoying the freedom of a big space and taking advantage of the opportunity to run.  The second time he ran by me, however, I saw his tears and heard his trembling voice saying softly, “Mamma!, Mamma!”  I immediately knew he was lost so I searched for a woman I knew would be looking  for him.  I saw her frantically trying to find him.  I could see the boy and I could see her but they could not see one another.  I stopped the boy and called to his mother and they were reunited.

When someone is lost then two parties are affected.  In this case the little boy and the mother.  He experienced some fearful moments as she did.  His at losing his mother; hers at losing her son.  Eventually they would have found one another but my help sped up the process.  One lost, one losing, and one seeking is an easy way to understand our relationship with the Father.  We, like sheep, are lost on our own going away from the Father.  The Father has lost us to our sins and rebellion and sends Jesus, His Son, to bring us back.  We cannot find our way back to the Father like the little boy in the store surely would find his mother.  The separation between us and the Father is too great for us to conquer on our own.  But Jesus comes seeking and searching.  His mission on earth was to “seek and save that which was lost.”  (Lk. 19:10)

The little boy in the store was happy to find his mother.  She was relieved to find her son.  I enjoyed helping.  Our scripture today reminds us that everyone in heaven rejoices when anyone lost to the Father is found.  If you are lost then know Christ is seeking you.  If you see someone lost help them to find their way home to the Father through Christ.  If you see someone who is found then rejoice with heaven over their repentance and salvation.

As you light the Advent candle tonight rejoice in being found and take the mission of Christ to seek and save that which is lost as you own.